Summer Geek Camp 2008

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Bluepoint Foundation and Bluepoint Linux Users Elite (BLUE) held the first Summer Geek Camp at Carillo Garden Resort (Tagaytay) and Pacific Heights (Batangas) from May 2 to 4, 2008.

PLENARYMagie AntonioLocal FOSS Community Updates
Engels AntonioFedora Project Updates
Eddie SalongaProgramming Fundamentals
TECHNICALMark MayoRuby on Rails (RoR)
Asterisk Open Source Telephony Engine
Lighttpd High-Performance Webserver
Kim MurgaPHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)
Eclipse Open Development Platform
Java Development with Iced Tea
Engels AntonioGit Fast Version Control System
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)
Varnish High-Performance HTTP Accelerator
SKILLSHAREEddie SalongaCoffee Tasting
Paul MagahisMuay Thai
Psylocke AntonioBasic Japanese
Anthony CoBasic Chinese
Magie AntonioBasic French
Heherson PagcaliwaganBasic German

